Speaker: Rev Debra Thorne

The Divine Drama in Winter Solstice

In the dark of winter, deep in our collective psyches, hides the divine dance between our masculine and feminine self. It is the drama of the winter solstice that enacts the awakening of the divine feminine. Beckoned, kissed and honoured, the divine feminine emerges … read more.

Drama and the Art of Empathy

There is no better way to understand the emotions and feelings of another person than to walk in their shoes. A close second is to portray a character that walks in their shoes. This is where drama comes in. Through imagining, we experience situations … read more.

Artist as Disruptor

The art of Indigenous painter Ken Monkman has shaken and shocked both the Canadian art world and the political world. Monkman is a visual disrupter at the intersection of art, history, sexuality and politics. To be a creative disrupter is to take familiar images … read more.

Behold and Be Seen

How we observe changes us. He said, ‘See my wife’. And then sensing that wasn’t enough, he said, ‘Behold my wife.’ If you slow down and read that last line again, you’ll likely feel a difference between seeing and beholding. They are not the … read more.

Truth and Reconciliation

Reconciliation is a beautiful word and a beautiful process, filled with dignity, wisdom and honourable human work. The deep kind of work that all our relationships deserve if we are to honour ourselves and the people we respect. There is much to learn about … read more.

ReOpen to Belonging

In the season of Sukkot, the Jewish festival of harvest in a time of exile, we reflect on what it means to belong. We ask ourselves: Who are our people and how do we know they are our tribe? What sustains us? The Jews … read more.

Deep Waters: Ingathering Water Ceremony

After a summer of rest and renewal, and a year and a half of social restrictions we begin the 2021-22 year with hope for worshiping, singing and celebrating together in-person again. As the hybrid service model is still a month away, we will be … read more.

Summer Blessings – a Flower Communion

Each year when we celebrate the ending of another Fellowship year, we offer a Flower Communion, a uniquely Unitarian ritual. It began in Prague on June 4,1923 by Rev Norbert Capek, founder of the Unitarian Church in Czechoslovakia. He identified a need to unite … read more.