Our Fellowship is a registered charitable institution. In 2005 we also became a registered Society with the name: First Unitarian Fellowship of Nanaimo.

We are governed by a seven person Board of Directors, consisting five member-at-large, a secretary and chair. The minister is an ex-officio member. Board members are elected to a two-year term and meetings follow a shared leadership model. The fellowship year runs from July 1 to June 30 with Board elections held each September.

First Unitarian Fellowship of Nanaimo, along with dozens of other Canadian congregations, is a member of the Canadian Unitarian Council (CUC). The CUC provides a voice for our vibrant, liberal faith community, within the interfaith community in Canada, and within the international UU community. The CUC is accountable to its members.

Our 2024-25 Board of Directors

Our 2024-25 Board of Directors (from left): Brenda Stewart, Larry Boldt (Treasurer), Lois Peterson (Secretary), Ellie Von Boetticher, Diane Filippov, Reilly Yeo (Candidate Minister, ex-officio), Rev. Debra Faulk (ex-officio), and Tony Turner (Chair)

Fellowship Documents

Access to Fellowship bylaws and policies, committee mandates and other documents can be found on our Documents Page.

Board Page (Password protected)