Our Minister and Staff
In its 50+ year history, our Nanaimo Unitarian Fellowship has been both lay led and minister led. In recent years we have had increasingly enjoyed a minister-led Fellowship. Since the retirement of Rev Debra Thorne in early 2023, we have been searching for a minister who will be the right fit for our Fellowship. That process with take time and careful consideration. For 2023/24 you can expect most services and programs led by qualified Unitarian ministers – typically three Sundays per month. The remaining services will be lay led with qualified speakers on a range of topics related to Unitarian interests and values.
Rev. Debra Faulk joins us this year as a ¼ time contract minister.
Debra, is a lifelong Unitarian Universalist, retired in 2021 as Minister Emerita after 11 years with Calgary Unitarians. She received a BA in psychology and anthropology from UVic and a Master of Divinity from Vancouver School of Theology. Her many roles have included being a chaplain at Vancouver General Hospital, Director of Religious Education in Victoria and Parish Ministry to congregations in Alberta and Ontario.

She is now one of the two BC reps to the CUC (Canadian Unitarian Council) Board. Previously she served on the Boards of both the Toronto and Calgary Interfaith Council and the Calgary Alliance for the Common Good, working to collaborate with labour and non-profits to address systemic social change in the city. She also served on the Collegial Development Team of the UU Ministers Association.
Debra, as a single mom, raised two children who have blessed her with 5 grandchildren. Currently she is excited with the adventure of co-ownership of her new home in Victoria, building community and being close to family.
Please note that the pastoral care of members is not included within the scope to Debra’s contract. The Sunday Welcome Table has a short list of community resources available to those requiring those services.
Leah Hokanson in on staff as our Music Director. Leah is an accomplished singer/songwriter, pianist, conductor and vocal sounding explorer based on Gabriola Island. Leah provides music for most Sunday services and directs our Unitarian choir – The Fabulous Fufonics, which is open to all members and friends.

Brenda Pilon is our Office Administrator. She is the heart of the fellowship and is responsible for such things as maintaining the fellowship files, interacting with the public, and coordinating hall and room rentals.