Archives: Services

Love is Our Doctrine

Love is our doctrine,” were the first words of the covenant I grew up with as a Unitarian Universalist. Repeated week by week, I’ve probably said some version of the Griswold Williams covenant a couple of thousand times in my life. But what does it … read more.

I Don’t Know

In this era, with Google always at our fingertips, how often do you say, “I don’t know?” How comfortable is it for you to stay in that space of ‘not knowing?’  What about the concept of humility – is that a good thing, a bad … read more.

Hope, An Orientation to Life

Hope is a spiritual practice of sorts, an intention, and an orientation to life. It is also demanding and sometimes illusive. It is personal and collective, as the great Sufi mystic Rumi says, “There is a secret medicine given only to those who hurt so … read more.

Out of the Flames

In the Roman pantheon, Janus was the god of both beginnings and endings, holding a key in the right hand to lock up that which is behind us, and a key in the left hand to unlock the dawning future. As the new year begins, … read more.

Love and Justice

In May 2016 at the Canadian Unitarian Council’s Annual General Meeting, a motion was passed to instate the following vision statement: “As Canadian Unitarian Universalists, we envision a world in which our interdependence calls us to love and justice.” 7 years later, what does this … read more.