Archives: Services

To Truly Love the Earth

The poet Denise Levertov writes, “But we have only begun to love the earth.” In this service, to honour Earth Day, Rev. Shawn Gauthier, of the Vancouver Unitarians, will invite us to reflect on what a deep and enduring love of the earth really requires … read more.

Who Do We Choose To Be?

That we live in unprecedented times is a refrain we often hear too often these days. All the ways of living and being in the world have fallen away. As we begin to make our way forward into who knows what, how is it that … read more.

Generosity – A Two-Way Thing

Always acts of generosity contributes to both the giver and receiver. Can we cultivate this value to reciprocity rather than indebtedness.

Rev. Debra Faulk continues with us this year as part of the Ministry Team, offering some Sunday services and supporting Reilly Yeo, our quarter time … read more.

Strong Towns – Greening Cities

From tree canopy to stormwater management, there are countless benefits to integrating the environment into our cities. Greening cities comprises practices ranging from halting biodiversity loss to reforesting land within the city to reducing GHG emissions through transportation. There’s a lot to talk about, and … read more.

Do Not Answer Them

In The Left Hand of Darkness, the writer Ursula K Legion wrote, “To learn which questions are unanswerable, and not to answer them: this skill is most needful in times of stress and darkness.

So many religious and spiritual communities are struggling in these days, and … read more.

Everything Changes

Our monthly theme of transformation invites a perspective on change that may alter our engagement with it. We know change happens, it is a consequence of living, can we embrace it instead of resisting it?

Rev. Debra Faulk continues with us this year as part of … read more.

Awakening to the Stillness

Parker Palmer, author, philosopher and Quaker, speaks of the idea of witnessing the wild animal of your soul, only by sitting still, quietly, together in the woods, in hopes of sneaking a peak at our shy souls. He articulates that when we do this in … read more.

Love is Our Doctrine

Love is our doctrine,” were the first words of the covenant I grew up with as a Unitarian Universalist. Repeated week by week, I’ve probably said some version of the Griswold Williams covenant a couple of thousand times in my life. But what does it … read more.

I Don’t Know

In this era, with Google always at our fingertips, how often do you say, “I don’t know?” How comfortable is it for you to stay in that space of ‘not knowing?’  What about the concept of humility – is that a good thing, a bad … read more.