Archives: Services

Living From The Center

What values inform your living, what is central to your understanding of how to be an active contributing participant in the great web of life? What is the place of theology in your experience? These questions are inspired by this month’s theme which is one … read more.

Unnaming, Renaming

To explore the monthly theme of being Theologically Alive, we will dive into one creative realm that is rich with meaning making: science fiction and fantasy writing. Ursula K. Le Guin wrote the short story She Unnames Them in a moment of feeling inspired to … read more.

Beacon Of Light

With the light of the chalice guiding the way, we explore our aspiration to be theologically alive: seeking to be ever-evolving in our understanding, open to new knowledge. How does our theology respond to the present moment and where might it go in the future?

This … read more.

I Am The River, The River Is Me

In 2017, the Whanganui River in New Zealand became the first river granted legal personhood. The concept of granting legal personhood to rivers is based on the idea that ecosystems have intrinsic value and should be protected from exploitation and environmental degradation.

This approach … read more.

Choosing To Be UU In 2025

What does it mean to be a Unitarian Universalist in 2025? What are we actually choosing?

Reverend Anne Barker will invite us into a participatory worship space – where we each get to choose our own adventure!

Currently a Congregational Life Lead for BC & Western Regions,

Anne … read more.

Endings, Beginning, Cycles And Sparks

This first service of the new year, we will look back and forward, in the present moment, collectively and individually. This will include rituals of release (fire) and invitation (earth).

Let us welcome the New Year holding in our hearts the monthly theme of being Actively … read more.