Category: News

Canadian Unitarian Council Annual Conference

CUC virtual Conference: Sustaining Our Light the Canadian Unitarian Council Conference website is now open for registration. The Conference named “Sustaining Our Light” is May 14 to 16. This virtual conference will celebrate how our UU faith and our connections are crucial to Sustaining Our Light … read more.

Appreciation for our Office Administrator

For our principles to be more than just words, we need to put them into practice. How we manage and compensate our staff is a reflection of our values, so, as a Unitarian Universalist organization, it is incumbent upon us to strive to be an … read more.

Fellowship Accelerates Action on the Environment

In the fall of 2020 an Environmental Justice Task Force (EJTF) was established to lead and coordinate various activities aimed at reducing the impact of the Fellowship and its members on the environment, with particular emphasis on reducing our carbon footprint. The task force is … read more.

NUS Shelter gets Kitchen Update

The Nanaimo Unitarian Shelter kitchen is getting fresher by the minute as renovations continue. Thanks to a grant from the federal government’s Reaching Home Fund, administered by the United Way, new countertops and cupboards have been installed. Our volunteers will have a great treat … read more.

FUFON Pays off its Mortgage!

On January 24th, at a special meeting, members voted unanimously to pay off the mortgage on our building. The mortgage was able to be paid off due to a generous donation by Bob Goodman. Free of its debt, the Fellowship now has … read more.

Unitarian Shelter has new Role

Our Nanaimo Unitarian Shelter is pleased announced that it has begun operating a new service. The Shelter will be managing the St. Peter’s Church Winter Shelter at 301 Machleary St. The shelter at St. Peter’s provides a vital service to Nanaimo by providing shelter … read more.

Applause for Website Magicians

At First Unitarian Fellowship of Nanaimo we can’t meet in our well loved building, so we occupy virtual spaces through the magic of dedicated and gifted people in our midst.

Our Website has been in Tony Turner’s care and now, while we were attending virtual services, … read more.

A Note of Appreciation from Ammar

In September 2012, a young man was hiding in a basement wondering whether he is going to be the next to go, wishing for a chance to say goodbye to his family that he hadn’t seen in four months while peeking through his window, watching the army … read more.