Category: Events

Come to ‘Messy UU Church’, April 1st

For the three months of April, May and June we are hosting an innovative program called “Messy Church”.  Come on out, bring your children and have a good time. The fun starts on April 1st (it’s not an April Fools joke) and it’s free of … read more.

Unitarian Shelter Fundraiser

Please stop by at one of our Unitarian Shelter Fundraiser locations when you do your grocery shopping this Saturday, February 27th from 1-5pm.  The shelter is located on the lower floor of the Unitarian Fellowship and has provided refuge to an average of 23 people/night … read more.

Queen of Hearts Auction 2016

The Queen of FUFON has once again sanctioned a services auction to be held Saturday, February 13th.  Please see details below.


Blue Christmas and Winter Solstice Service coming in December

The First Unitarian Fellowship of Nanaimo invites you to to attend one of several Christmas Services in December.

We are planning a “Blue Christmas” service and a Winter Solstice Service.  Dates and details coming soon.  Please visit again!

One of last year’s Christmas Services