Category: Events

Messy UU Church celebrating Earth Day, April 21st

This month Messy UU Church will be celebrating Earth Day with a woolly interdependent web, spring seedlings, local food, and special Earth Day cookies! The fun starts at 5 pm and ends  – usually somewhat reluctantly – at 7:30 pm. Everyone welcome.  Please RSVP by e-mailing or call 250 755-1215.

Messy UU Church, Friday, February 17th

Gather Around the Flame at the Messy UU Church

This month’s Messy UU Church is happening Friday, Feb. 17th, 5 pm to 7:30 pm, and it’s going to be a blast! The theme is Gather Round the Flame. We will be creating an indoor campfire, eating camp food, and sharing camp … read more.

Messy UU Church keeps growing

Messy UU Church keeps growing by leaps and bounds – at our last one Nov.18th we had more than 40 attending, with13 children from babes in arms to pre-teens.

Our next Messy UU Church is Friday, Jan. 20th, and will focus on the theme of problem-solving. … read more.

Spaghetti Night, Friday, November 4th

Our First Spaghetti Night Opens with a Bang!

Friday, November 4th at 5:30pm

Entertainment by The Bryden Street Jazz Band!  Everyone welcome!

Please bring a salad or dessert.

Messy UU Church returns Friday, Oct. 21st!

Mark Your Calendar!
Friday October 21st 5:00 to 7:30 pm at Unitaraian Hall

Messy UU Church is back again for more family fun and learning. This year we will get “messy” on the 3rd Friday of the month. Doors open at 5:00, dinner at 5:30

Please … read more.

Gen Silent Movie Screening, April 6th

Please join us for the movie screening of Gen Silent, a LGBTQ Aging film by director Stu Maddox.  Wednesday, April 6th, at 7:00pm at the Fellowship Hall.

                   For further information please visit         … read more.

Tony Turner Concert, March 19th

Excitement is growing as we eagerly await to host Tony Turner in Concert on Saturday, March 19th, 7:30pm at the Fellowship Hall.   Below is more information about the concert and Tony’s accomplishments.  Seating is limited.  We recommend arriving early, the event is likely to be sold out … read more.