Category: Events

Messy UU Church, Friday, October 20th, 5-7:30pm

Come join us for family fun and activities at Messy UU Church, this Friday, Oct. 20th, 5-7:30 pm at the fellowship. We’ll explore the theme of healing with a collage of caring, comfort foods like chicken soup and jello, and a story/activity by Rev. Meg Roberts.

 Everyone … read more.

Homelessness Action Week, Oct. 8-14

Unitarian Shelter Coat Drive,  Saturday, October 7, 2017 from 11:00am-2:00pm

Please drop off your coats, jackets, and fleeces for men and women (and children) on Saturday, October 7th, between 11am and 2pm.  Stay for coffee and cookies and learn more about what we do.

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Welcome Back Barbecue, Sept. 22nd

Welcome Back Barbecue for our FUFON children, Friday Sept. 22nd

Save the date for this great get-together! The Children’s Religious Education Committee is having a welcome back barbecue for our fabulous FUFON kids and their families, 5 to 7:30 pm, Friday, Sept. 22nd, at Pacific Gardens, 347 Seventh St. We’ll have s’mores, … read more.

Opus of Hope – Sunday, September 17, 2017 at 2:00pm

Opus of Hope – Sunday, September 17, 2017 at 2:00pm

St.Andrew’s United Church, Nanaimo

An Afternoon of Musical Entertainment and Syrian Refreshments to benefit Syrian Families, featuring our very own Tony Turner.

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Opus of Hope

Opus of Hope

An Afternoon of Musical Entertainment to benefit Syrian Families

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Spirit Play training coming to town

Mark your calendars on April 29, 2017

The First Unitarian Fellowship of Nanaimo is offering a training day to learn the Spirit Play curriculum Saturday April 29, 2017.

This methodology is based on Maria Montessori’s theory of children’s learning processes.  The curriculum incorporates hands-on, aesthetic story and … read more.

Announcing the FUFON Fun Faire, April 23rd


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The FUFON Fun Faire will showcase groups that are active within the Fellowship. There will be displays and interplays, interactive activities and entertaining acts, goodies and good times, whimsy and wow! Plan to come out and join the fun!