To Be or Not to Be – and ChatGPT:

How AI is Shaping Our Understanding of What it Means to Be Human?

The advent of AI and chatbots has opened a whole new area of ethics. In what ways is artificial intelligence pushing us to strengthen our ethical and theological muscles? What do our answers to these questions say about our understanding of what it means to be human, especially the ways in which this understanding impacts our relations with other humans and with the other-than-human world.

Karen Fraser Gitlitz is Saskatoon Unitarians’ parish minister and a professional Art Therapist. For the past three summers, she has been a participant and a core walker with the Water Walk for the North and South Saskatchewan Rivers, following Indigenous leadership by walking the river in Ceremony for the healing of the water.

In all of these activities – ministry, art therapy, and water walking – she has witnessed the healing that arises when we are able to connect to ourselves, our communities, and the land.

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