Archives: Services

Water Service

Water is the theme for the morning as we flow back together. While we may each be just a drop in the bucket, we come together to create our oasis of hope and challenge recognizing that each of our lives and our actions ripple out … read more.

First Service is September 8

Greetings – please note we have no service on September 1 and look forward to our first gathering Sunday, September 8 at 11am – all are welcome and the service is presented online and in person.

Bloom On

After World War I, Czechoslovakian Unitarian minister Norbert Capek created the flower communion to affirm hope and natural beauty. This is a ritual with deep meaning and purpose, and this morning we participate in this annual commemoration and explore the place and value of ritual … read more.

Humble Reflections

It has been an honour to have been with Nanaimo U*U for this past year. I have learned a lot, and will offer some of those insights this morning.

Rev. Debra Faulk continues with us this year as part of the Ministry Team, offering some Sunday … read more.

Equity Beyond Equality

These two concepts are not the same though often interpreted as similar.

Lets us explore the value of equity, and gain clarity about the distinctions between these two.

Rev. Debra Faulk continues with us this year as part of the Ministry Team, offering some Sunday services and … read more.

Equality Does Not Provide Equity

These days we hear on the news about systemic injustice. As Unitarians, we believe in promoting justice, equity and compassion in human relations. To do that, we need to really understand what the difference is between equality and equity. When we do, we can find … read more.

Moving Forward

Presented by Members of the Board, COSM (Committee On Shared Ministry) and Sunday Services Team

Our Mission at First Unitarian Fellowship of Nanaimo is to create spiritual connection and bring compassion, discovery and social justice to life. Are we, how are we living this, and what … read more.

Let Your Light Shine

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” The full quote that begins with these statements inspires this morning’s service.

Rev. Debra Faulk continues with us this year as part of the Ministry Team, offering … read more.