Hidden Wisdom Within Our Fellowship

What is it that makes our Nanaimo Fellowship special? Yes, we have a wise, Minister, a well-functioning Board, a longstanding major commitment to social justice through our Shelter program. We also have an emerging, actively engaged environmental task force that will continue to challenge us and invite us to action. And, of course, there are numerous committees and social groups that keep us connected. All of this we know. 
However, under the surface, there are less structured aspects of our Fellowship that nimbly take action when needed to ensure we not only survive, but thrive as a Fellowship and as individuals. This service, presented by your Committee on Shared Ministry (COSM), will describe what shared ministry is, and what it can encompass. In addition, COSM members will shine a light on a few examples of hidden ministries within our spiritual community and how we might be wiser and stronger for understanding the depth and breadth of what it means to live our faith in changing times and circumstances.

All services are currently hybrid (i.e. both in person and via Zoom)
To join services on Zoom, please click on this SERVICE LINK a few minutes before 11am
Services are recorded and posted on our website.