Category: News

New website for FUFON!

FUFON’s Communications Committee is pleased to announce that our fellowship has a brand-new website!  When launched in a few days you will find fresh content as well as easy access to news, events, documents and much, much more. You are invited to use the website a key … read more.

Refugee Sponsorship Campaign Update

First Unitarian Fellowship of Nanaimo (FUFON) is an inclusive community of 75 members and friends whose values are: the inherent worth and dignity of every person; justice and compassion in human relations; acceptance of one another; and peace, liberty and justice for all.  Another of … read more.

Reverend Debra Thorne to be FUFON’s New Minister!

A truly wonderful and joyous occasion took place at the FUFON General Meeting on Sunday, February 3 when the assembled membership voted unanimously to have Reverend Debra Thorne become our new minister.

The meeting was the culmination a busy Candidating Week that included numerous occasions for … read more.

Recent Fundraising events a great success!

Our newly created Fundraising task force has outdone itself. First a highly successful bake sale of Christmas goodies contributed by members and then the first ever Bottle drive! Stay tuned for more creative ideas from this enthusiastic group!

Unitarian Shelter is Open, Nov. 1st to March 31st

The Unitarian Shelter for the homeless is now open through March 31, 2018

For the past nine years, men and women have found overnight respite from the streets, a hot meal, clean clothes and a non-judgemental welcome at the
Nanaimo Unitarian Shelter at 595 Townsite Road, Nanaimo, … read more.