Join us for a special service to celebrate the approaching Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year. We will explore how darkness can nourish us and help us find stillness in challenging times through contemplative ritual, story and music. If you are attending on Zoom, you are invited to join us in candlelight/reduced light. A service for ages 6 to 106.
Arran is the Director of Spiritual Exploration and Learning at First Unitarian Church of Victoria as he has been studying for UU ministry at Cherry Hill Seminary. He has recently accepted the position of Minister for the Comox Unitarians. Arran’s background and passion is in restorative practices and restorative justice, including but not limited to, working with LGBTQ communities, racialized and immigrant communities, people living with HIV, and people with disabilities.
All services are currently hybrid (i.e. both in person and via Zoom). To join any of our upcoming services on Zoom, please click on this SERVICE LINK a few minutes before the service.