Minister’s Page
Nanaimo Unitarians have been lay led for most of our history and has brought in amazing and diverse speakers. In recent years we have also been led by a minister. Please visit our History to find out more about these special individuals. The retirement of Rev. Debra Thorne in March of 2023, has triggered the search for a new Minister. The process will take as long as needed to find the right spiritual leader. When a new minister has been hired, this page will become more active.
Retired minister Rev. Debra Faulk has been contracted on a quarter time basis for the 23/24 Fellowship year to provide stability and routine during this period of search for a settled minister. Rev. Debra is a lifelong Unitarian Universalist who retired in 2021 as Minister Emerita after 11 years with Calgary Unitarians. Debra lives in Victoria close to her beloved children and grandchildren.
Rev. Debra delivers one service per month and provides valuable advice and assistance to Sunday Services and other committees.
Please note that the pastoral care of members is not included within the scope to Debra’s contract. The Sunday Welcome Table has a short list of community resources available to those requiring those services.
Rev. Debra can be contacted at