Spiritual Education for Children & Youth (SECY)

Every Sunday, the children start off the morning with their family in the sanctuary together. They listen to music and sing a song or two with everyone else. One child each Sunday is invited to light the Children’s Chalice along with an adult. After the Story for All Ages, the children are sung out and they go to their own room with their teacher. Near the end of the service they rejoin the congregation and sing our ending song “Carry the Flame”.
Family, Food & Fun Events
Family, Food and Fun (formerly Messy Church), is our extremely popular children’s program, is fun few hours of crafts and activities on a selected theme. Usually a meal is shared. Members, friends and visiting children take part as well as a few brave adults.

Family, Food and Fun evenings happen once per month, usually the third Friday, 5 – 7:30 pm, September to May, but not December. Check the Children and Youth events on the our home page for an invitation to the next Family, Food and Fun event and all the fun things that will be done.