To explore the monthly theme of being Theologically Alive, we will dive into one creative realm that is rich with meaning making: science fiction and fantasy writing. Ursula K. Le Guin wrote the short story She Unnames Them in a moment of feeling inspired to “rewrite the Bible.” In this story, the character we know as Eve decides to unname all the creatures of the world whom Adam had named at the beginning, including herself. In doing so, she becomes a model to anyone who has felt the need to step out of a framework that was not working for them in order to begin again.
To redefine oneself, one’s communities and the world is a brave and necessary act that takes courage, creativity, and theological aliveness.
Casey Stainsby (she/her) is an aspirant for Unitarian Universalist ministry, studying at the Vancouver School of Theology. She is currently guiding the Crossing Paths program for 10-12 year olds at Vancouver Unitarians, and has worked in children, youth and young adult ministry in UU communities across Canada, including six years at the Canadian Unitarian Council.

Casey is inspired by sci-fi and fantasy novels, the teachings of the forest, and intergenerational community.
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