Shiva: ultimate reality; Creator, Sustainer, Destroyer. Standing on a baby: symbol of ignorance. Could all the violence, fear and chaos around us be a necessary part of the cycle of life? Maybe the structures and systems of corruption must be broken to make room for a new foundation for living in relationship with the earth.
Let’s explore what it takes to ride the wave of destruction with courage, hope, love and gratitude.

Rev. Frances Deverell served as minister for 3 Unitarian congregations before retiring in 2010. This followed a 25-year career in Management Training and Organizational Development. She is the author of Finding Common Voice, the Canadian congregational handbook for social responsibility. She has served on the board of the Canadian Unitarians For Social Justice (2009-2022). In her retirement, she continues active in work for climate justice, a green and just transition, Truth and Reconciliation, and crime prevention.
On her personal website, francesdeverell.com, you will find a blog on crossing Canada in an EV. Frances and her husband, Ron Wilson, are part of a co-housing community at Pacific Gardens and attend the First Unitarian Fellowship of Nanaimo. Her daughter, Karen Abramson, works in Northern BC.
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