Endings, Beginning, Cycles And Sparks

This first service of the new year, we will look back and forward, in the present moment, collectively and individually. This will include rituals of release (fire) and invitation (earth).

Let us welcome the New Year holding in our hearts the monthly theme of being Actively Engaged*.

*The monthly theme is engaged in some fashion by about 1/3 of Canadian Unitarian* Universalist (U*U) congregations through The Roots of Resilience project. The project is a collaboration of four Community Ministers inspired and directed by Rev. Karen Fraser Gitlitz.

The project’s monthly themes include the Canadian Unitarian Council Statements of Aspiration Actively Engaged: We strive to work joyfully for a just and compassionate society, experimenting with new forms of community.

Rev. Debra Faulk continues with us this year as part of the Ministry Team, offering some Sunday services and supporting Reilly Yeo, our 1/4 time contract person.

Rev. Debra, is a lifelong Unitarian Universalist, retiring in 2021 as Minister Emerita after 11 years with Calgary Unitarians. She received a BA in psychology and anthropology from UVic and a Master of Divinity from Vancouver School of Theology. Her many roles have included being a chaplain at Vancouver General Hospital, Director of Religious Education in Victoria and Parish Ministry to congregations in Alberta and Ontario.

She is also one of the BC reps to the CUC (Canadian Unitarian Council), this year serving as Co-President. Previously she served on the Boards of both the Toronto and Calgary Interfaith Council and the Calgary Alliance for the Common Good, working to collaborate with labour and non-profits to address systemic social change in the city. She also served on the Collegial Development Team of the UU Ministers Association.

Rev. Debra, as a single mom, raised two children who have blessed her with five grandchildren. Currently she is excited with the adventure of co-ownership of her new home in Victoria, building community and being close to family.

All Sunday services are available in person and via Zoom at 11:00 a.m. To join any of our upcoming services on Zoom, please click on this SERVICE LINK a few minutes before the service.

Find the past recorded services here