Membership may have different meanings for different people. For some, it may be a way of outwardly acknowledging an inward commitment to our faith. For others, it may reflect the desire to join this particular Fellowship and assume some sense of responsibility to it.
Some Unitarians are ever searching for their religious beliefs. In fact because there is no set creed, Unitarianism appeals to many people who see their religious life as a journey, or searching process. Membership in our Fellowship does not require a test or declaration of belief. Unitarians describe Unitarianism as a spiritual community of seekers rather than a traditional religion.

Benefits of Membership
Some benefits of membership include the following:
- belonging to a welcoming, caring and growing spiritual community;
- voting privileges;
- receiving FUFON newsletter (monthly Sept through July);
- access to Canadian Unitarian (semi annual via email and print);
- receiving Canadian Unitarian “eNews” monthly national newsletter;
- e-mail announcements of current fellowship interests (weekly);
- services of our minister and two lay chaplains for weddings, child dedications, memorial services; and,
- opportunities to join with others in worthwhile projects in the larger community.
What are the Responsibilities of Membership?
Membership is a commitment to support the values and principles of liberal religion and to support and encourage one’s own and others’ efforts to grow spiritually, as well as support the congregation.
Opportunities for Involvement
Members and friends can get involved in many ways. Here are a few:

- joining the FUFON Choir “The Fufonics”;
- attending pot luck socials;
- joining the Chatters discussion group;
- assisting at fundraising events;
- helping in the kitchen;
- joining the men’s or women’s group;
- participating in the our monthly Book Club meetings;
- helping tend our gardens;
- assisting Sunday services; and,
- deepening our connection with others by working together on a committee.

We also enjoy many informal activities together or in small groups. Activities such as camping, theme dinners, games evenings and sail outings are common.