Grateful for the religious pluralism which enriches and ennobles our faith, we are inspired to deepen our understanding and expand our vision. As free congregations we enter into this covenant, promising to one another our mutual trust and support.
Our Fellowship
First Unitarian Fellowship of Nanaimo (FUFON) is an inclusive growing religious community of over 75 members and friends. Drawn from all areas of central Vancouver Island, we meet for worship and community at Unitarian Hall in the city of Nanaimo. We welcome all who share our philosophy regardless of age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity. We provide a full range of programs including: Sunday services, a children’s religious education program, a dynamic choir, open to all, and opportunities to meet in small and large groups for spiritual enrichment and fellowship.

Living our principles of social responsibility, we house and manage a low barrier shelter for homeless people in Nanaimo in the lower floor of our building. Members are involved in numerous other social justice and environmental causes. We have also recently sponsored a Syrian refugee.
Unitarian Universalism has no creed. Instead, we teach people an attitude towards life and living. We do not believe that anyone really knows the right answers to life’s big questions. Instead we like to look at what all people of good will can agree upon. We have a set of guiding principles in which all Unitarians affirm and promote.
Our Welcoming Congregation

First Unitarian Fellowship of Nanaimo is a Welcoming Congregation. This means we affirm and include people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex at every level of congregational life – in worship, in program, and in social occasions – welcoming them as whole people.